Press Release
i95Dev Announces their Involvement in the
Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition
Washington D.C., May 15, 2012 (ecommwire): Press Release – i95Dev, a software development firm offering solutions for all areas of e-commerce, announces their involvement in the Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition on June 5-8 in Chicago, Illinois.
The IRCE is a must-attend event for all retailers that expect to stay competitive in today’s economy and in the years to come. Studies show that commerce is directly affected by technology, including social media, mobile applications and of course the internet, all of which will be showcased at this event.
i95Dev helps to integrate all aspects of e-commerce, giving retailers full integration of their site and all of it’s behind the scenes processes in order to deliver a seamless operation for both consumer and retailer. Consumers today expect to be able to have access to all of a retailer’s operations through technology, whether through the web, mobile applications or social media – the consumers expect it and i95Dev can deliver it for you.
Studies show that today almost 40 percent of consumers do their shopping strictly online and that number is expected to increase to over 45 percent during the holiday season. Because today’s technology makes comparison shopping, product comparison and product reviews readily available on mobile applications, 19 percent of consumers use e-commerce while inside the store.
i95Dev works hard to help retailers with all areas of their e-commerce from web development to mobile applications, helping retailers everywhere to become competitive regardless of their size or capabilities. With a new seamless operation, retailers everywhere will be able to access all of their back-end processes from one location making their e-commerce simple and successful. Their services are explained thoroughly on their website, Retailers that are interested in learning more about integrating their e-commerce in order to be efficient and successful should visit i95Dev at their booth at the IRCE.
About i95Dev: i95Dev is a software development firm that helps retailers everywhere to stay on top of today’s constantly changing technology in order to stay one step ahead of the competition. With an outstanding team that is ready to deliver top notch technology through their extensive experience in both B2C and B2B, i95Dev helps companies stay competitive and give customers exactly what they want.
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Bethesda, Maryland, 20814
Phone: 301.760.7499
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