Press Release
Microsoft Dynamics Partners Instrumental in
i95Dev’s Innovative E-Commerce Solution
Bethesda, MD Jan 30, 2014 The E-Commerce Growth Engine, or EGE, is the latest cutting-edge offering rolled out by i95Dev, pioneers in the e-commerce and e-commerce integration segment of software development and implementation. The EGE stands alone in the Microsoft Dynamics marketplace as a fully integrated multi-channel e-commerce suite built on the open-source Magento platform. Its users have described it as thoroughly modern, agile and adaptable, broadly multi-channel and easily extensible to every kind of technology in use.
“Whether establishing an e-commerce capability for the first time or modernizing a first-generation one, EGE is an extremely compelling solution,” said Vanit Kumar, founder and CEO of i95Dev. “By enabling leverage of the latest buying trends, such as social media, smartphones, tablets and online marketplaces, retailers can expand their market reach globally, securing more consumers and adding new revenue streams. Manufacturers and distributors can increase their efficiencies by providing their business partners with an automated procurement that makes it easier to do business with them and can eliminate outdated labor-intensive processes.”
According to Kumar, EGE sets itself apart from other e-commerce solutions with its intuitive look and feel, real-time trend insights and features such as: flash offers, private sales, reviews and ratings, chats, VIP promotions, cross-sell/up-sell, loyalty, self-service purchasing, credit checking & payments, reorders, social buying, split shipments, In-store pickup, and anytime-anywhere access. It acts as a seamless integration between the online digital “face” of many B2C and B2B businesses and the brains of their operation, namely Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM systems.
EGE is also capable of expanding into untapped channels and markets, including 3rd party marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon, as well as internationally, thanks to conversions for major overseas currencies and shipping and tax calculators. Automation and synchronization of these features with the business’ ERP and other systems means more efficiency, better customer service, fewer labor hours, and increased sales.
The EGE has received overwhelmingly positive feedback for two reasons. First, it is completely customizable to each business’ needs, whether they require a complete, end-to-end, first-time e-commerce solution, or just an overhaul of an existing, first-generation system. Second, the return on investment is recouped in a very short time, thanks to its multi-channel features, incremental operational efficiencies and resulting increased sales.
Regarding the partnership opportunity, i95Dev’s corporate leadership says they can more quickly and effectively bring the EGE to the attention of potential end-use clients if Microsoft Dynamics resellers have the opportunity to experience it firsthand. Once they see the benefits, they will become certified EGE resellers and decide for themselves which of their current or potential clients could benefit most.
“Our partners know the needs of their clients and potential clients better than anyone else, making them the best means of engaging end users,” said Archana Yenna, i95Dev Partner and PR Executive. “We are committed to grow through partners. Therefore, we take a proactive approach in helping partners to identify opportunities, build internal expertise and win new clients.”
According to Yenna, Microsoft Dynamics resellers will immediately see the benefit of this program because not only are they helping their clients become even more effective in the areas of e-commerce sales and customer satisfaction, but they themselves will reap the financial rewards.
“We don’t just on-board partners and set them adrift until they ask for our help,” Yenna said. “We take a pro-active role in aligning our marketing and development teams with their sales goals. We are at their service to help ensure they have all the tools they need to delight their clients. After all, their successes are our successes, and vice-versa.”
Yenna added that there are a limited number of spots available for partners in the first quarter following the rollout, so Microsoft Dynamics resellers who may be interested in this opportunity should contact i95Dev for a product demonstration as soon as possible.
About i95Dev:
i95Dev is a Next Generation E-commerce company serving more than 1500 clients in retail, manufacturing, and wholesale distribution. In addition to offering Instant e-commerce solutions for Microsoft Dynamics RMS, i95Dev also offers integration solutions for other Microsoft Dynamics products such as Great Plains (GP), Axapta (AX) Navision (NAV) and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Their focus is on providing e-commerce solutions and Omni-channel strategies, custom tailored to each business they serve.
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Phone: 301.760.7499
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