Magento 2.0 – Improved Admin User
Interface for Efficient Business Operations

In our last blog on Magento 2.0, we had looked at changes made to themes in Magento 2.0 and how it simplifies frontend development and customization. The other blogs in the series include blogs on the modern technology stack in Magento 2.0, features to help expedite the development, QA, and deployment process, and improvements in the checkout process to improve conversions and drive sales. If you have not already read those then we encourage you to do that. In this blog, we will look at the changes made to the admin interface in Magento 2.0 and how it simplifies and enhances the admin user’s experience while improving the operational efficiency.
Improved Admin User Interface
The Change
- Magento 2.0’s new admin interface is responsive, touch-friendly and has a modern flat design (yes, modern and intuitive designs are not just for end customers) for improved usability. The most notable changes in Magento 2.0 admin interface include
- The vertical left navigation designed for modern screen aspect ratios to give more vertical space for content
- Ability to customize the admin interface for multiple users.
- Ability to select columns, reorder them (drag and drop) and save them as custom views
- The addition of product creation wizard/ interfaces.
- Product import/ export improvements
- Update product’s cross-sells, up-sells and related products with multiple values per user
- Multiple images can be imported both from local and external storage
- Multiple custom options can be imported in a single row
- Simplified import of configurable products and their prices
- The vertical left navigation designed for modern screen aspect ratios to give more vertical space for content
What this means for Merchants
- With the new responsive and intuitive design, merchants can now monitor the eCommerce store from anywhere, any device.
- With customized views, merchants can very easily create different views for requirements like all pending orders, all products with no inventory, etc.
- Bottom line, the new design coupled with the customized views, new product creation wizard/ interfaces, and improved import/ export functionality will drastically improve the merchant’s productivity and enhance decision making.
What this means for Developers and Partners
- With a more intuitive and user friend UI developers and partners may have to spend less time on training merchants on using the platform and rather work with them to improve their sales and operational efficiency.
What this means for End Customers
- The efficiency gained by merchants will translate to increased focus on product quality and customer service and customers can get used to this newly found attention bestowed upon them.
Stay tuned for our next blog on Magento 2.0!!