Four Ways Mobile Marketing
Can Help Retain Customers

One way that you can ensure that your customers remain loyal is by launching a mobile marketing campaign. According to US market research results, 5 out of 10 Americans own and use a smartphone. These smartphone owners also use their phones to surf the web and this activity naturally includes visiting their favorite brands. Research has also shown that consumers who are able to keep in touch with their favorite brands through their phone are more likely to do business with that company again and again. Given this revealing data, business owners like yourself can no longer ignore the importance of mobile marketing. Below are four ways that mobile marketing can help retain customers.
1. Mobile payment is easier than paying with cash
Any mobile marketing should include the option for mobile payment. The concept of a mobile phone wallet is not exactly new, but more and more businesses are now leveraging this technology to provide their customers with a more convenient way to pay at point of purchase. For instance, customers at Dunkin Donuts only need to scan a bar code from their phone when paying for their purchase at the register–no cash or coins involved.
When integrating mobile payment to your mobile marketing campaign, make sure that you do it right. The payment app you provide should be secure and safe so customers can load and reload the mobile app without worrying that their credit card is being infiltrated. The actual payment process should also be smooth and easy. The whole point of paying by mobile becomes useless if the payment process involves a lot of effort and time once the customer gets to the register. Lastly, the consumer should be able to check his balance without any fuss.
2. Consumers prefer mobile-friendly web design
Another important aspect of mobile marketing is making your web design mobile-friendly. Most business websites can be viewed via smartphones but it’s quite another story to have a website that is specifically designed for mobile phones. Having a mobile-friendly website will allow your smartphone-using customers to view your site’s texts, images, graphics and other content in all their glory.
3. Notify customers about promos and events in their location
Using a smartphone is also a good way to reach your customers and notify then when you are having a sale, a special promotion or any marketing event. If your business has multiple branches then you can use a mobile app to provide consumers with location-based alerts. You can also use a customer’s shopping history and interests to customize alerts that you know will get their attention.
For instance, if you run a furniture retail store and your customer’s history shows that he has purchased or browsed kitchen furniture recently then the mobile alerts that he should receive can be related to sales on plates and glassware or new arrivals on dining furniture.
4. Most customers are active on social media
Online activity through mobile devices definitely include social networks. A lot of people use their smartphones to use Twitter, check Facebook and participate in different kinds of social media. If your brand has a ready mobile app that can be accessed and shared through social networks then you have a real marketing gem on your hands. Content shared through social network always spreads like wildfire so having a social media-friendly mobile app is a sure way to promote your brand through word of mouth.