EBook – Beat the Competition and Win More
Customers with Connected Online Business

Are you connected to your customers? Do you use technology to influence their buying decisions, to stay in touch with them, to listen to their views and experiences etc.? Many SMB owners don’t, they either assume that their customer base is not so technologically inclined or completely underestimate the importance of technology. As a result, these businesses fail to maintain a healthy overall presence.
All successful businesses regularly connect to those who are vital to their success. Customers bring income, the lifeblood of any business. Prospects are crucial for growth and new opportunities. And if you are missing a single chance to connect with them, be very sure that you are losing them to your competition. In this competitive environment for businesses to stay ahead, delight customers and increase sales, businesses need to employ new technological efficiencies. If done successfully, a business can separate itself from the lot.
One of the most effective ways of doing this is by connecting all disconnected systems like ERP, CRM, ecommerce, social media, mobile and online marketplaces in real time. Integration solidifies the entire organization by syncing information across channels thereby eliminating redundant data, improving operational efficiency, sales conversion rates and increasing customer loyalty.
Integration with ERP
Businesses often find that the implementation of an ERP system is both a trigger for and an enabler of process improvement. The key to success in online business is to create simplicity in the face of complexity and ecommerce integrated with ERP system reduces complexity and helps to maintain and update information regarding the customers and inventory purchase orders in two or more systems competently. ERP integration helps in reducing the cost of operations and improves customer experience with the e-commerce store front.
Integration with CRM
Relationships are highly important in business for being successful. CRM allows a business to make sure that their customers are being taken care of in a way that makes them want to come back and spend their money with the business again. The benefits of ecommerce integration of CRM are many. CRM can instantly transmit data to employees and, depending upon what those employees need to know, the data can be tailored. This means more efficiency and better service for customers. They’re also able to keep an open channel of communication with their clients to ensure that everyone is happy.
Integration with POS
Integration between e-commerce platform andPOSallows online retailers to manage two different platforms concurrently without repetitive data entry. Ecommerce integration withPOShelps to avoid spending a lot of time and resources in manual entering and tracking information, which can be better spent in other areas. Too much involvement in data entry and tracking can create potential inventory and sales nightmares including costly errors. With such integration in place, retailers can create both remarkable shopping experiences as well as a deeper engagement with customers.
For more information on how connecting ecommerce with Social Media, Mobile POS, eBay integration and others can increase customer base and overcome the competition with growth opportunities, click here to download our eBook on Beat the Competition and Win More Customers with Connected Online Business