Cloud Integration Stands Tall
for the Shortcomings of On-Premise

The creation of cloud integration was a turning point for the eCommerce business world. By offering more scalability, flexibility, and elimination of data silos, cloud integration introduced a pool of new opportunities for organizations to connect different systems efficiently. The reality of the modern business landscape is- if you do not have a cloud platform, it is difficult for you to surpass your competition in the marketplace.
It was predicted by Gartner, more than 30% of technology providers will shift from ‘cloud-first’ to ‘cloud-only’ by the end of 2019, which is also appearing to be true. They have also forecasted, SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud service revenue to approximately reach up to 143.7billion by 2022, which is above all the license-based software consumption models. Now that you know how rapid cloud integration is evolving, you also need to know the reasons why people are moving to the cloud.
Challenges in using On-Premise:
- Avoid capital costsIn the On-Premise model, you have to incur expenses for necessary things like your servers, networking cables, skilled resources, land to locate infrastructure, etc. This is a big investment and you end up spending more on this. This will also you to burn more cash during the growth phase, as you do not pay only for what you use but the entire solution.
- Is your data in danger?Data is the new oil! And you can’t imagine losing your data. Even if you take all the safety measures to keep your data secure, disasters always come as surprises. Imagine an unforeseen event wipes all your servers clean and you lose your data. So even if you have your backup drive safe it will take you weeks to get your data right and to normalize your operations. This is a myth related to cloud integration. Do check out our blog 7 myths related to cloud integration.
- Tired of Maintenance and Management?When using the On-Premise model, there is a substantial effort and cost towards maintenance and management. Many people face issues to manage and maintain the huge infrastructure as it incurs a lot of time and effort. Timely maintenance is necessary and that is an endless effort to keep it smooth.
- Constant ChangeOn an on-premise integration model, it takes a lot of effort and time to make even a minor change to your workflow. Contacting your integration service provider for even the smallest need is a big problem. For example, you are using an ERP system that has the latest update and you need to update it as soon as possible. But you feel helpless as you cannot do it yourself and have to wait for weeks to get it done.
If you have not read our blog on why cloud integration is way forward, you can read it here.
How cloud integration helps in overcoming the above On-Premise challenges
- Cost-EffectiveCloud integration is very cost-effective, as you need not worry about having your own data centers, cabling, servers, networking, storage, and associated labor, etc. You do not have to buy new hardware or set up new software and build new data centers. All the required things will be taken care of by your cloud integration service provider alone. You do not even have to worry about hiring more resources or up-skilling them.
- Data SecurityData security is one of the most important factors when it comes to cloud integration. Unexpected problems can arise anytime, and if your data is stored on the cloud you can access it no matter what happens to your machine. While data recovery in On-Premise will take weeks and that affects your business operations.
- Changes are Made Easy There are constant efforts taken by your team to form a flawless workflow, however, the perfection comes with a number of changes to the system you work on. So if run an on-premise integration model the more you make changes the more you suffer by getting the changes fixed by your service provider. While in cloud integration you just need to download a new plugin on the cloud connector and install it. So the installation of additional features you require becomes very easy with this.
- Self-ServiceThis is one of the major benefits of cloud integration where you don’t have to be dependent on your integration provider at all. For example, you already have your ERP system connected to your eCommerce platform and now you feel the need to connect your CRM, PIM systems as well. While using cloud integration all you need to do is to log in to the admin panel and connect the system on your own and it is just a matter of few clicks! It does not require you to contact the provider again and again for things you realize as you progress.
- Go-To-MarketWith all the saved investment, time and efforts you can now focus on your plan for Go-To market strategy. Once you have saved on high investment, you can route all of it to increased production, when your production increases you can have a good sale and when you have good sales, you earn more revenue and reach the desired target customers. This eventually helps you achieve your Go-To market strategy and shifts your focus from unnecessary things to the most wanted ones.
- Pay as You Go By using cloud integration you don’t have to pay for what you don’t want to use. Here you don’t have to waste your hard-earned money on something you don’t require or that doesn’t suit your business requirements at all. Here you are only charged for the resources you utilize. While in an on-premise model you have to pay for every other feature you use it or you don’t.
- Speed and Agility- Saves Time and Efforts Speed is the critical competitive advantage and switching to the cloud takes only an hour or two. You don’t have to sit for hours to change your integration. Problem-solving, new software installation or uninstallation becomes easy with cloud integration. For example, you have two different business, and you want to merge both of them to one, you can do it much faster and efficiently by using cloud integration as compared to the traditional method that requires weeks and months for applications and recoding.
- Low Risk in InnovationBusinessmen believe in- ‘Innovation is the only way to win’ and you have to keep experimenting often in order to progress. Cloud integration makes innovation every easy with low risk. By using cloud integration you can keep experimenting, trying new things, strategies, etc, as the implementation of new ideas, take place quickly with the low cost. Whereas, On-Premise is less innovative and failure also is expensive as it takes a lot of investment, time and effort.
To all the On-Premise challenges there are simpler solutions by switching to cloud integration. We at i95Dev have a wide range of cloud products that can be integrated between your ERP systems and eCommerce platforms. Our cloud computing experts will guide you to have a smooth journey transition from On-Premise to Cloud integration. To know more about our products and offerings please contact us.