Challenges of an eCommerce Manager
Magento 2 can Address

‘eCommerce manager’ is a job that did not exist 20 years ago, but the amount of expertise required to handle is immense. All the readers who are in the shoes of an eCommerce manager will easily relate to the point that we would highlight in this article.
With the rate of evolution happening in the world of eCommerce, AI, personalization, virtual reality taking center stage, it is only imperative that the job of an eCommerce manager has only gotten more exciting. The factors that an eCommerce manager should be taking into account while planning their strategy can be broken down into the following:
Sales Channel Strategy
With lines blurring between websites and third-party marketplaces, the need for a definitive channel strategy is clear and present. The superhero named the ‘eCommerce marketing manager’ is the one who has to handle this task.
An all-inclusive channel strategy takes third-party marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart, etc. into account. Even leveraging on Facebook and other social media e-commerce is what is expected from the eCommerce manager.
The challenges you would face?
The biggest challenge an eCommerce manager would face during the channel strategy formulation is balancing between the channels. Any minor ambiguity in the passing of information between these channels can lead to a catastrophe.
Apart from that, the eCommerce platform should also be scalable to accommodate the various channels thought about without breaking a sweat.
Have you read our blog “How to Make the Most of Amazon Marketplace“?
Omnichannel strategy
All said and done your shopper today is virtually everywhere. Given the current technology penetration, this is how you would love your customers to be, it makes making your presence felt so much easy.
With so much data funneled in through various platforms and channels, having a disconnected system just does not work. Still confused about the omnichannel and Multichannel? Is so, read our blog.
The challenges you would face?
These disparate systems would cost the company a lot of resource downtime, errors that are prone to loss of revenue. Worst of all the branding of the eCommerce store would take a massive hit and all this onus squarely would lie on the eCommerce managers.
Choosing the correct e-commerce platform that can take care of these disparate systems and have a perfectly connected ecosystem is the key
Personalized Customer Experience
This is the age and time of personalization that is what your customers love. The better you remember your customer the more is the ability to retain them with your brand.
This is directly associated with the KRA of the e-commerce managers because customer retention, increase in average order value and achieving a long-term profit is what is required from our faceless superheroes.
Giving the exact discounts and promotions to targeted customers, pitching the right products and right message at the right time are the things, which are required in a personalized marketing strategy. This is what an eCommerce manager requires and aligned with their jobs.
The challenges you would face?
Again zeroing on the correct eCommerce platform that would not only support personalized marketing promotional activities but also even identify the products that can be easily related to the customer’s previous orders.
In short finding, an e-commerce platform that would support your marketing strategy considering personalization is a challenge. Addressing this could reap you dividends like customer loyalty and increased sales.
Finding the Right Product to Sell
Strategy gets complicated day by day, and it is a major e-commerce challenge that a manager must address. Managing the huge product catalog requires identifying your fast moving products, bundling products, channeling them through the right mediums, promoting them on different platforms.
The challenges you would face?
Identifying and segregating products according to their demand is a real big challenge for an eCommerce manager. They should be able to identify precisely the movers and shakers apt for the correct platform.
With this bird’s eye view of various products in their catalog, formulating the right product mix for the right channel becomes easy.
Again, it is important to choose the correct eCommerce platform. The advanced analytics and the ability to scale taking other channels into account counts a lot for this eCommerce challenge they face.
Driving Traffic to your site
This is the primary e-commerce challenge that an eCommerce manager faces. The whole responsibility of driving not just traffic but the right kind of traffic to your store lies completely upon you as a manager.
Shoppers today do not just shop they act as a judge and even an executioner. They are quick to form an opinion of your brand based on the aesthetics and the ease of shopping you provide on your website.
Tick all the right boxes in the checklist and you have a high paying, returning customer in your bag.
The challenges you would face?
The crux of solving this problem lies 100% on the e-commerce platform. The e-commerce platform represents your brand.
A mediocre eCommerce platform that cannot manage your huge product catalog, is bad at SEO management, has a bad shopping cart layout amongst many other things is a red flag. With your e-commerce platform has these problems, you can definitely kiss shoppers goodbye.
The above content is based on our experience helping numerous client. Our team will be happy to look at your business and provide a free consultation. Contact our team at